Dec. 16, 2016

St. Anne d'Auray, in Auray, west of Vannes, in Brittany


“ ‘This refuge is mine; but it belongs also to my kind Mother Saint Ann. What a privilege for my Briton children!’

“ ‘--What is this great privilege for, kind Mother?’

“ ‘Someday, my children, Brittany will become powerful. Later on, I will make the means known to you. This will be a land of grace and of privileges. Around here my power is greater than over any other part of France or of the Universe.’ ”

[Source: p. 165, March 25, 1878, Prophecies of La Fraudais. Please note that March 25 is the special Feast Day celebrated by all who have consecrated themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary].

Reflection on this Prophecy:

Brittany will survive the 3 Days of Darkness intact. It will be the only place on earth. This is the great privilege, this Divine Protection.

What a privilege indeed for the Britons who will benefit so greatly while the rest of the earth suffers so many deaths. Three quarters of all human beings will die from the Divine Chastisements which are coming, which we are told will begin with the sun.

We have the chance to be among the privileged. As with all things related to Divine Grace, we must ask; not because we deserve anything, but because we are God’s children and we love Him. We ask as children ask for everything that they need.

Ask the Sacred Heart of Jesus, ask Our Holy Mother Mary, to help us to be in Brittany, so that we may survive the coming Wrath. Ask to be allowed to see the Truth of this privilege and its enormity.

Map of Brittany     After the 3 Days   Food Cultivation  Animal Husbandry

 "We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra