Apr. 22, 2017

Our True Friend, Marie-Julie Jahenny

From one of the notebooks of a faithful secretary for Marie-Julie, Mr. Adolphe Charbonnier:

“From Monday, July 11 (1881) Marie-Julie has been suffering a great deal. On that same day, Father Rabine (the assistant at Blain who obstinately denies the Sacraments to Marie-Julie) paid her his regular visit. He noticed her extreme fatigue and made the suggestion to give her … some chocolate, to give her strength. Which was a way to declare he does not have any faith in her supernatural state. Is it really possible for his eyes and his good common sense to remain in such a blindness, after almost close to four years? Either there lies already a providential chastisement, or I am unable to understand anything.” (July 20, 1881)

[Source: p. 259, Prophecies of La Fraudais ].

Reflection on this prophecy :

A visit to Marie-Julie’s home is a chance to understand who a victim soul is. Marie-Julie’s soul was beautiful, and simply accepted all that the Good Lord chose to send her.

She who was shown the apostasy of the priests and the presence of the many masonic infiltrators into the priesthood, had to herself endure a bad priest and bishop.  She had to suffer their visits, their questions, their rejection of her in her own home, at her bedside.

Marie-Julie was denied the Holy Sacraments for eleven years!

But in the end, we were not to be denied the Heavenly warnings coming to us through our best friend, Marie-Julie, and so Holy Mother Church declared her visions authentic.

What did Marie-Julie suffer for, except Holy Mother Church (the See of the Cross) and the French Monarch. 

She did it all for us, for the generations of Catholics who would come after her, so that we may have a chance to know the True Church from the false church.

Marie-Julie suffered so that as many souls as possible would be saved from the eternal fires of hell.

I encourage all of you to visit her home, as I did.  You will understand her beautiful soul better, and she will stay with you.

It is a great grace to go to La Fraudais. 

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra