Mar. 16, 2018

A Considerable Loss of Souls

Our Lady of Fatima told Jacinta, Lucia, and Francisco that many poor sinners go to Hell because there is no one to pray for them.

“My children, pray for the Church; for all its ministers; pray for the Pope, because an attempt will be made against his life. This place also will be riddled with avenging, and wickedness will progress immeasurably in spite of the faith of a great portion of my people.

“The scourge, which I dimly see close at hand, leaves my heart with a wound which is going to last forever:  a considerable loss of souls, faith ruined, Baptism tarnished. All those villanies I am seeing will transform a large number of my children into bad Christians. France will perish – not the whole of it, but a great many will perish – It will be saved with a very small number… O France, dust from foreign countries will be brought in, even in your own places. You will be unable to send those foreigners back home … You who were so noble, your nobility has been lost.

“I have seen everything taking place upon earth. Never – I am telling with my heart of a mother – never had I under my gaze the expectation of similar crimes, of the like in wretchedness:  violations, sacrileges, outrages. It is already on this day that I am seeing all those sorrows. O! pray my children!

“I make a stop on those sorrows.

  Take your rest, my children.”

                                         (Last part of the prophecies of November 30, 1880).

Reflection on this prophecy:

A pope in exile has no Swiss guards or walls of the Vatican City to protect him. Like Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, he relies on God’s Will (as carried out by God’s countless Angels) to protect him so that when his time to die comes, it is in God’s timing, by God’s Holy Will, and not man’s.

That “an attempt will be made against his life” should not come as a surprise, since diabolical men, and even crazy men, abound. Nor should the heavenly directive to pray for the Holy Father and for the Church’s ministers seem to us as anything less than logical and, indeed, part of our daily duty.

We must, in truth, admit the very great privilege it is to be able to pray for Pope Gregory XVIII in his exile, as well as the Hierarchy and the prelates, priests, and religious who are in communion with him.

However, the pope whose life is endangered is not the Successor. According to this prophecy, the targeted pope must be Pope Gregory XVII, and not a Successor, because of the fact that a great portion of the people around the Holy Father still have the True Faith, so the time should be shortly after the masonic takeover: 

“This place also will be riddled with avenging, and wickedness will progress immeasurably in spite of the faith of a great portion of my people.”

The hidden takeover, likened to a scourge, has a pandemic effect that is felt worldwide.

The result is a spiritual carnage:  “a considerable loss of souls, faith ruined, Baptism tarnished. All those villanies . . . will transform a large number of [the Virgin Mary’s] children into bad Christians.”

And when the Church is attacked, so is Her greatest defender, Her eldest daughter, France. That land of the Saints will be so severely attacked that “a great many will perish – It will be saved with a very small number…”

The salvation of France is still to happen, at the hands of the much-prophesied French Monarch. France will be saved, yes, but there will be very few French Catholics left with the True Faith.

The culprit for the loss of the Faith of the French? That the French will invite false beliefs and doctrines into their very homes, in the persons of foreigners: “dust from foreign countries will be brought in, even in your own places. 

These foreigners with their false beliefs will not leave: “You will be unable to send those foreigners back home.”

And the result? Catholic France is destroyed from within her very borders: “You who were so noble, your nobility has been lost.”

Such numerous losses of souls, as unfit for Heaven, leaves the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart “with a wound which is going to last forever.”

She confides to Marie-Julie Jahenny that she has “seen everything taking place upon earth,” yet the level of sin against God is the worst yet:

“[N]ever had I under my gaze the expectation of similar crimes, of the like in wretchedness:  violations, sacrileges, outrages.”

Yet, to our surprise, the beginnings of these crimes against God, His Church, and mankind’s souls has had its beginning much before 1958.

The Virgin Mary says, “It is already on this day that I am seeing all those sorrows [meaning, 1880, the year of this prophecy]. O! pray my children!”

And so again, the final message from Our Blessed Mother is an exhortation to prayer.

Sometimes it is hard to persevere in prayer, but let us never be beaten in this regard. Prayer is that daily battle which must be fought. Asking our Guardian Angels to pray with us will make the prayers seem easier, and our angels do help us to stay focused, as well. 

Deo gratias!

Links:  Pope Gregory XVII    French Monarch    St. Michael Prayer  

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra