Aug. 2, 2019

A Moving Supplication

I hail Thee, O Daughter of the Father,

Lily of Purity, pray for us. (one Hail Mary);

I hail Thee, Spouse of the Holy Ghost,

Violet of Humility, pray for us. (one Hail Mary);

I hail Thee, Mother of the Incarnate Word,

Rose of Charity, pray for us. (one Hail Mary).

(Prayer of Marie-Julie)

 “Today, my children, you are very close to seeing the inexorable Justice of my Divine Son burst forth, due to the unbelief of this people of my kingdom whom I loved so much and whom I still love. They refuse to honour my Son, they refuse to proclaim His benefits, they leave Him prisoner and captive …

 --Do not cry, my Good Mother, or I will cry also.

 “My daughter, my heart wants to pour out its pain into hearts that will understand the charity of a mother.”

 --It is true.

 “My children, I stop myself for a second … You, listen to the words of the Eternal Judge.”

 Our Lord, without leaving His throne, nor descending, arises. His face is severe.

 “My children, my victim,” says He, “Here I let fall a word. Collect it, meditate upon it.

 “I am the All-Powerful, the Eternal Sovereign Master.

 “I have averted long enough, and warned an obstinate people where irreligion triumphs. I have all the power.

 “I have requested the Ministers of My altars to get Me out so that I extend My Paternal Hand over an ungrateful people, in the middle of which are found some good [people]. Their ear seems to have deafened itself so as not to hear the words of a loving Saviour. For this so-hard refusal, and this obstinacy, I will prove that I am the All-Powerful Winner.

 “I will, in My turn, reduce the number of unfaithful people. Think of death, people, it is time again. Recognize the voice of He who wants to save you. You will perish, prepare yourselves.”

 After these words I come back to our Good Mother. Her heart is not welcomed. Her face is sad and pained. She says:

 “My children, see if a mother does not have a broken heart. She finds consolation with you.”

 --Oh! Good Mother, we are not worthy of it, but we would like to do so.

 “I am consoled by you. Among you, I find compassionate hearts. So far, my children, you have lived and rested in peace.

“The time is close:  an unjust rule will collapse and, with him, an incalculable number of children who have forgotten everything, lost everything, and who are in Hell.

“If my Son prolongs this existence of evil and of sin, it is due to the many sufferings which the Just endure, it is due to the many innocents accused and pursued by the inventions of Hell; it is due to prayer.

“You [my children], do not be afraid; my Son and I, we are with you, for always.”

--Thank you, Good Mother, but Thou who has not put off anyone, Thou who are all-powerful, who are the Treasurer of the benefits of Thy Son, tell me what has to be done to stop the stop of the Lord.

“You see my heart broken by pain, you see it bathed by blood from its wound, can you refuse your Good Mother?”

--Grace!  I ask Thee grace at the price of my life! Do not let them perish, give me death! I am not worthy, but if, at least, I can save one soul!

“My dear child, I can do much, but you know that my Divine Son is an inexorable judge.”

--Oh! Good Mother, what does Thou want for their salvation? What does Thou like? To what are Thou agreeable? Take it and give my Thy yes.

“Listen, my dear child. For some time, I have implored, I have cried … I convinced my Son that there were souls who loved Him. He understood me about it, but He knows the bottom of hearts. From His eternal eyes, He has seen the ill will of those who are without religion.”

--Oh Good Mother, Thou would not want to say that there is no hope and that our brothers will perish!

“My dear child, that is what I have to tell you.”

--[What I can suffer] is very little, it is too weak, it is too little.

“Beg Heaven.”

--That is not enough, my Good Mother.

“Offer all which you can; give me all your pains; I will take them to my Son.”

--Thou does not say that they [the people] will not perish.

“My daughter, here is all that my tenderness can give you.”

--Yes, Good Mother, I will beg, all the time, with all of the friends of the Cross which Thou loves; Thou will not be able to refuse.

“Pray, my dear child. It is my last word.”

--I thank Thee, Good Mother; I am happy and I submit to the Divine Will.

“My dear child, this sorrow which tore my heart, I made it flow in yours. I wanted you to taste the depth.”

(2 February 1880)

 [Source:  pp. 81-84, Le Ciel en Colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny, by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

 Reflection on this prophecy:

 This prophecy is conversational in nature, but it is deeply sad, because it deals with God the Father’s decision to remove the Blessed Sacrament from the altars of the world.

The Blessed Virgin Mary tells Marie-Julie that she is “very close to seeing the inexorable Justice of [the Virgin Mary’s] Divine Son burst forth”.

Why is this? Because already in Marie-Julie’s lifetime there is a noticeable “unbelief of this people of my kingdom… [who] refuse to honour [Her] Son,… [who] leave Him prisoner and captive [in the tabernacles].”

 No one had time for Christ, for visiting with Him. He waited for His people in the tabernacles of the world, but no one would come to visit Him, to speak to Him there.

And aren’t we guilty also, Lord? Aren’t we unworthy and lacking in Faith? When have we sat quietly in prayer with Thee, or made a Holy Hour in honour of Thy Sacred Heart?

Why are we so busy, Lord? Why do we prefer our distractions to daily conversation with Thee?

And the Blessed Mother is caught between Christ Her Son and us, Her children on Earth. She cries because She wants to save us, and so She says, “my heart wants to pour out its pain into hearts that will understand the charity of a mother.”

But God the Father is adamant that it is time to punish this “obstinate people where irreligion triumphs.”

God has decided to remove Himself from the altars of the world:

“I have requested the Ministers of My altars to get Me out so that I extend My Paternal Hand over an ungrateful people, in the middle of which are found some good [people].”

But to accomplish this also meant to take away His Ministers who confect the Sacrament, the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ our Lord.

And we know now that the Priests could only be removed once the Papacy itself was put aside, into Exile.

Of course, we are living in this era now. We know what it is to have the Pope in Exile, to have no parish Priests to minister to our spiritual needs.

We have walked into once-Catholic churches and known that there was no Real Presence in those tabernacles – the emptiness of those churches!  What a shock it is still!

We have witnessed loved ones die without the Holy Sacrament of Extreme Unction, without being able to confess their sins to a true Priest and be absolved of their sins.

Most especially, we have watched them die stubbornly holding onto the lies, knowing that they will only understand what has happened to the Papacy and Holy Mother Church once the veil is lifted from their eyes.

May God have Mercy on their souls!

God the Father declares to Marie-Julie that He will visit a larger punishment of death upon a sinful mankind: “I will, in My turn, reduce the number of unfaithful people.”

He says, Think of death, people, it is time again.”

Why again?

Are we to remember the flooding of the world in Noah’s time? Back then, as today, most people were outside the Church, without Faith. Only Noah and his family were inside the ark (a symbol for the Church), and were thus saved.

God wants people to return to Him, and so, even in this time of a general loss of Faith, God the Father pleads and warns everyone, “Recognize the voice of He who wants to save you. You will perish, prepare yourselves.”

But God the Father also reveals that the workings of antichrist have been long in duration, and devastating in their effects:  “The time is close:  an unjust rule will collapse and, with him, an incalculable number of children who have forgotten everything, lost everything, and who are in Hell.”

This masonic world that focuses on material pleasures has created a hell on earth, and deadened people’s souls so that they are, in living without God, living in a type of Hell already!

And what has held off the Divine Punishment for so long now?

Prayer, and the suffering supplications of the Just:

“If my Son prolongs this existence of evil and of sin, it is due to the many sufferings which the Just endure, it is due to the many innocents accused and pursued by the inventions of Hell; it is due to prayer.”

How good God the Father is! He is swayed by our love and prayers.

Marie-Julie wants to save us from the fullness of the Divine Wrath of God the Father, and so she makes a most beautiful supplication:

“ ‘--Oh! Good Mother, what does Thou want for their salvation? What does Thou like? To what are Thou agreeable? Take it and give me Thy yes.’ ”

She is a victim soul. She has accepted sufferings for the salvation of souls, and so she makes the plea to have more sufferings thrust upon her, so as to delay and/or lessen the death of so many souls so suddenly.

Marie-Julie knows that the Virgin Mary is able to present all sufferings to God the Son and achieve a delay and/or a less severe punishment.

The Virgin Mary tells her, “ ‘Offer all which you can; give me all your pains; I will take them to my Son…. Pray.’ ”

We must follow this advice. We must pray more and offer more sufferings to the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mediatrix of all Graces. Surely the time is short now.

We must also prepare to help those we can, if we are meant to live through this Divine Chastisement.

The link below called “Hawthorn leaves” will take you to three short videos which will help you to identify Black hawthorn (common to Europe and the America’s) and English hawthorn (which is the easiest to distinguish, due to its unique leaf shape.

It is now the beginning of August. Watch the three videos and try to find these trees in wooded areas, wilder areas. Look along the edges of forests. Look along streams.

Dry these leaves naturally and offer them to our Blessed Mother on the Monday after the Feast of the Assumption so that She will bless them. The tea from these leaves will help us heal from respiratory infections. And the Hawthorn leaves will remain effective for at least a year.

And let us often say Marie-Julie’s beautiful greeting to our Blessed Mother:

I hail Thee, Daughter of the Father,

Lily of Purity;

I hail Thee, Spouse of the Holy Ghost,

Violet of Humility;

I hail Thee, Mother of the Word,

Rose of Charity.


Links:  The Sun   The Warnings   3 Days of Darkness   After the 3 Days   Map   Diseases   Hawthorn Leaves   Remedies   St. Michael Prayer  

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra