Apr. 10, 2020


“God’s hour is not far off, says Saint Michael. This profound terror will bring about the triumph of the new France. But that triumph cannot come before Justice has weighed down upon this rotten earth.

“Do not expect anything from he who is ruling as king and who, today, is sitting in the same arm-chair as the other ones did – an arm-chair which bears no sign of a greater and special power --.

“His thinking is in agreement with the thinking of the other ones, his speech to their word, his will to their will. His authority and his powers are no greater than those of the one who is the last. Do not expect anything from this direction: he does not deserve any more respect than all the rest.

“In the storm, his voice will cry out as loud as the others’ voices, against all which  God established… There is no firmness in him; they gave him the lead; they directed him. Here is the portrait of this man: he is a “mud post”. Let us pity him, but think little about him.

--I do not think about him, good Saint Michael.

“To bring back the King chosen and predestined by God, all those who are in a position of power at present time have to be swept away.”

(29 September 1878)

[Source: pp. 107-8, Les prophéties de La Fraudais, in translation].

Reflection about this prophecy:

“God’s hour is not far off,” Saint Michael the Archangel tells Marie-Julie, and we cannot be relieved because his message refers to the coming of God’s Chastisement, “the profound terror” also known as the 3 Days of Darkness.

On the good side, God’s enemies will, for the most part be destroyed, and we shall have “the new France”, meaning France once more a Roman Catholic monarchy, under the prophesied French Monarch.

But God’s enemies have perverted mankind to a great extent, and so the earth is “rotten” and must be “weighed down” [suffer] by God’s “Justice”.

The masonic presidents of France are hirelings, and do not represent the God-given authority of a true Monarch born into his role as ruler.

Their chair is not a king’s throne, but only “ an arm-chair which bears no sign of a greater and special power”.

Without God’s blessing, and being part of a masonic “brotherhood” a hireling who is given the presidency has no true freedom to rule: his “thinking is in agreement with the thinking of the other ones, his speech to their word, his will to their will.”

These masons are all spewing the masonic anti-Christ agenda, and each one of them, down to the last, will act in the same way: “his powers are no greater than those of the one who is the last. Do not expect anything from this direction”.

These masonic presidents cry out “against all which  God established”.

It is like one who spits into the wind, isn’t it? Only we cannot laugh because all of our countries are under masonic rulers and we all know well that the suffering caused by these godless men’s agendas is visited upon us the citizens.

And their satanism is spread like a poisoned manure over the entire earth. No wonder Saint Michael refers to a “rotten earth” at the beginning of this week’s prophecy!

In fact, Saint Michael says that we do not need to obey these masons, or trust in their counsels: “he does not deserve any more respect than all the rest.”

For us few Roman Catholics, life is a whirlwind, like a storm”, all around us, but we pray our daily Holy Rosary and we feel peace.

Saint Michael says that “In the storm… this man is a mud post. Let us pity him, but think little about him.”

A mud post is a useless ruler, one who does not act.

How and when does the French Monarch destined by God come into power?

Saint Michael the Archangel says that God’s chosen King cannot rule until the bad (satanic) men are removed from their positions of power:

“To bring back the King chosen and predestined by God, all those who are in a position of power at present time have to be swept away.”

So, do Roman Catholic men pray and step up to be the difference in their countries' local and national politics so as to remove the masons (satanists) from their positions of power?

Or do we wait for God's Divine Punishment, the 3 Days of Darkness, to kill them and 2/3 of mankind?

We may be waiting a long time… is this the world we want for our children?

Saint Michael, Archangel and Invincible Prince of the Church, pray for us!

Arise then, O invincible Prince, and bring help to the people of God, and give them the victory against the attacks of the lost spirits.

LINKS:  French Monarch   St. Michael Prayer   Map of Invasion   Blessed Food & Drink   Survival Skills

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra.