Apr. 17, 2020


“My children, says Immaculate Mary, my heart can keep nothing for itself. Therefore, I warn you that at the moment when thunder will be roaring – I forewarn you – run away from under it and retire into your homes.

“The clappings of that thunder will be so different from those in the past, that all my children, forewarned by this word, will recognize in them a word of justice and anger, such that many will be seized by fright. Many will be reduced under the thunder of terror; many, whose consciences will be guilty, will be struck all of a sudden without having any time to reflect on their sins… and there, what a terror!

“My children, this terror will not be stopped in the course of the year 80. A terror, perhaps still greater, will be resounding during the following year… It is at the beginning of the new year that the Cross will have to be taken up, and pressed over one’s heart.

A disease with a blazing fire.

“There will be serious diseases which human science will not be able to relieve. This disease will attack first the heart, then the mind, and at the same time the tongue. It will be horrible. The heat which will accompany the disease will be a devouring fire, intolerable and so violent that the parts of the body touched with it will be red from an intolerable redness. At the end of seven days, this disease, scattered around like seed in a field, will rapidly appear everywhere, and will make immense progress.

“My children, here is the only remedy which will be able to save you. You know the leaves of thorn [trees] which grow almost in all hedges. The leaves of this thorn [tree] will be able to stop the progress of this disease.

“You will gather the leaves, not the branches. Even dried up, they will retain their efficacy. You will place them in boiling water, leaving them there for fourteen minutes, keeping the container covered, so that the steam remains inside. From the very start of the attack by the disease, this remedy will have to be drunk three times a day.

“On the Monday after my Assumption, you will offer those leaves of thorn [hawthorn leaves] to me, and you will listen attentively to my words.

“My children, this disease will be extended throughout Brittany. The thought of God will be much lesser around there… The disease will produce a continuous high blood pressure, of vomiting. If the remedy is drunk too late, the touched parts of the body will turn out black, and through the black part there will be grooves turning to pale yellow.”

(5 August, 1880)

[Source:  pp. 269-70, Les Prophéties de la Fraudais, in translation].

Reflection on this prophecy:

What we are living through now, worldwide, this fast-spreading disease called COVID-19, is surely a Divine Punishment.

This COVID-19 is the fourth, when we remember SARS, H1N1, and Zika.

And we do not know if these diseases will let up or if they will continue to circulate for many years.

Our Blessed Mother tells us that we have to be prepared to ask our Lord to forgive us our sins, in preparation for death, by using the Cross of Pardon:

“It is at the beginning of the new year that the Cross will have to be taken up, and pressed over one’s heart.”

How dangerous these diseases will be! No wonder our Blessed Mother refers to them as “the terror”.

We must pray to the Holy Face for the salvation of souls.

We must pray for all, especially the daily 15 decades of the Holy Rosary.

We need to pray this daily Rosary for both the good and those persons who live without God in their lives.

Especially, we need to pray for the children and youth of this world who have been raised without knowing Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

In a recent exploration of other Roman Catholic prophecy, the following two prophecies warrant our attention:

When, in the Book of the Apocalypse (10:10), Saint John takes and eats the scroll of the words of God’s divine Punishments, at first the scroll tastes sweet, but then it makes his stomach sour. Father Herman Bernard Kramer, in his book, The Book of Destiny, explains:

“This the prophets had foretold; for this blessed consummation they had yearned and for this the apostles had hoped. But to the Apostle of love, it was a bitter message, when he understood the full price that must be paid for the victory; the direst persecution for the Church; the plagues to be inflicted by God which were to be borne both by the good and the bad; the sacrifices of countless precious lives; the most horrifying chastisements for the wicked, many of whom would be near friends and relatives of the just, and the apostasy and final damnation of many weak and timid souls. So the reception of the revelations was sweet when glanced at for joys, but bitter when pondered for its sorrows; sweet for the prospect of unbroken peace and happiness that shall grow out of the wreckage of the old world, but bitter for the long-felt burden of loss that the world shall bear.” (pp. 246-7, The Book of Destiny, by Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer, TAN Publishers).

And secondly, let us be reminded that the pushing aside of the Roman Catholic Papacy into exile will most certainly be punished:

Melanie of La Salette (Sister Mary of the Cross), wrote the following to her superior in October 1870:

“My Very Dear Mother:  Men, in committing sin, have their time. But God is eternal. He chooses what time he pleases for punishing sinners. God is provoked by various kinds of sin. He has been forsaken and forgotten by men. Who will be able to resist this war? It is necessary, in the first place, that France should acknowledge that this war is a scourge in the very hand of God; secondly, that she [France] should humble herself, and sincerely implore pardon for her sins; thirdly, that in all sincerity, and from her whole heart, France should promise to serve the good God, and keep all his commandments, without any human respect.” (p. 31, The Christian Trumpet, by Rossi Gaudentius, Refuge of Sinners Publishing; NOTE: THIS BOOK HAS NO IMPRIMATUR.).

May our Blessed Mother keep the Holy Father safe in His exile, as well as the French Monarch and the men who suffer and defend them until the appointed time for our and Heaven’s rejoicing.

May these Divine Chastisements purify all men of good will so that we may be made worthy of Heaven.

Deo gratias!

LINKS:  St. Michael Prayer   Diseases   Hawthorn Leaves   Remedies   Your Home Oratory   Prophecy Books

"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff ." - Decree of Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam,Nov. 18, 1302,ex cathedra.