Jul. 23, 2021

Warnings for Today

From Fathers Cailleton and  Barillé (1879-1896):

45 – France, once so beautiful in the past, will have lost her nobility and dignity. She will be invaded by heartless and merciless nations. They will tear her children apart, dismantle her precincts.

46 – Disciples who are not of My Gospel will set their mind to a great work in order to remake, according to their ideas and under the dominion of the enemy, a Mass which will contain some words detestable according to My Mind.

47 – Oh! my good sister, says Marie-Julie, we are going to get a state religion. They will have agents going from house to house. They will have an abjuration signed… or else it will be death. Half the population of France will be destroyed. Villages will be found where not a single soul will be left. Four cities in France will disappear.

(Reported to Dr. Imbert 28.9.1904)

48 – Before the kingdom of resurrection and peace come, Satan has to rule in full, as a sovereign. He will have dominion over all. When everything will have been conquered, when he will have removed everything that might recall faith, blotted out all the holy temples, overthrown My image and My Cross, his ruling will not last for long; but he will reach that complete triumph; he will succeed through detestable procedures. (18 May 1905)

49 – This Holy Cross shall be overthrown, trampled underfoot, covered with outrages. At present they do not want anything any more from my Divine Son; they want to have the least traces of His Power destroyed; to have nothing left that might speak about Him and make reference to His Presence. It is against Him they keep a grudge. It will be decided, but not for that soon yet, about an atrocious martyrdom for the priesthood.   (18 July 1905)

50 – I am sharing with you strong revelations about the future of France and about the KING who is meant to occupy, instead of the impious man whom My Heart rejected. I uttered the King’s name: Never forget that promise. (Diary, 26 November 1875)

[Source: pp. 98-99, Prophecies of La Fraudais, compiled by Fr. Pierre Roberdel].

Reflection on this Prophecy:

The excerpts that we will be looking at this week are from notations taken by two priests during Marie-Julie Jahenny’s ecstasies.

The subjects of these ecstasies are various, but important because they are pertinent to our time.

Number 45 speaks of the destruction of France by aggressive foreigners: “[France] will be invaded by heartless and merciless nations.”

These foreigners cause civil unrest and they change France’s laws: “They will tear her children apart, dismantle her precincts.”

Number 46 speaks of a past event, the diabolical change of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the Novus Ordo prayers which are “detestable according to [God’s] Mind.”

Number 47 is the key point for us. This point seems to be referring to a situation we will all be facing soon: the door-to-door enforcement of the satanic blood sacrifice via the COVID-19 vaccination:

“They will have agents going from house to house.”

The COVID-19 vaccine has been termed a new religion by Father Carlo Maria Vigano [Father Vigano is a true Priest, ordained on 24 March 1968, but not a true bishop, since his consecration, on 26 April 1992, would have used the false, satanic rite of the Novus Ordo].

In refusing to take part in this satanic blood sacrifice of the aborted (murdered) baby, we may indeed be facing death: “They will have an abjuration signed… or else it will be death.”

As Christ Himself tells Saint John the Evangelist: “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth” (Apocalypse 14:13).

Those who take the ‘vaccine’ (not really a vaccine) will very likely die from the side effects, as the media is already beginning to report. Unfortunately, these souls would not be dying in the Lord.

God tells us through Marie-Julie that:

“Half the population of France will be destroyed. Villages will be found were not a single soul will be left.”

As people die, the economies of areas will disappear: “Four cities in France will disappear.”

Number 48 tells us that “Satan has to rule in full, as a sovereign.”

Yes, the Antichrist gets to rule the world, but it is for a short time: “his ruling will not last for long”.

But it will be a world without Christ our Lord: “… he will have removed everything that might recall faith, blotted out all the holy temples, overthrown My image and My Cross”.

Number 49 speaks about a past event, the “atrocious martyrdom for the priesthood”, which means the removal of true Priests from the world.

Of course, the Papacy had to be removed first, and this was accomplished during the takeover of Pope Gregory XVII’s papacy (1958-1989).

Number 50 reminds us of the importance of the triumph of the promised French Monarch. He will bring the true Papacy back to the Chair of Saint Peter. He will restore the Priesthood and the Holy Sacraments to us worldwide.

The French Monarch is “the KING who is meant to occupy.”

Christ our Lord tells us: “I uttered the King’s name: Never forget that promise.”

Viva Cristo Rey! Hail Christ the King!

LINKS:  Pope Gregory XVII   French Monarch   3 Crises in France   The Few Faithful   St. Michael Prayer   Diseases   Remedies   Your Home Oratory

   [Canon 1825]  If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.