Sep. 4, 2022


“My children,” says Mary, er “France is plotting with those wicked perturbers who have proven to be the ruin of her noble and generous heart. Together with them, she rebels against my Divine Son, against the most sacred laws, against religion.  Together with them, she pledges to trample religion underfoot and to give rise to another one, different from the one God has made.

“Within a very short time you will see signatures against anything which is the most holy, the most inviolable.

“Well then! My children, those signatures are the ones which are going to force my Son to speak out. Men will be agitated by the uprising of nations, thus hitting one another. The four corners of France are going to knock against each other, just like the waves stumble against each other in the sea.”

(December 26, 1877)

[Source: p. 159, Prophecies of La Fraudais, compiled by Father Pierre Roberdel.]

Reflection on this prophecy:

France defected from her role as a strong defender of the Holy Roman Catholic Faith and of the Holy Roman Pontiff a long time ago.

The French Revolution’s slogan “liberty, equality, and brotherhood” became the justification for countless martyrdoms and destructions against anyone or anything that would stand in opposition.

And the greatest oppositions to godless ideals are Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church:

“France is plotting with those wicked perturbers. . . Together with them, she rebels against my Divine Son, against the most sacred laws, against religion.”

Over time, acts of rebellion have been written into laws and passed with signatures.               This same procedure was followed during the sessions of Vatican II, which lasted from 1962 to 1965, and produced the following signed documents:

Unitatis Redintegratio – on a New Kind ofEcumenism –this document changes the meaning of ecumenism from the act of praying for the conversion of non-Catholics, to a meaning where non-Catholics are somehow part of Christ’s Church and are thus able to be saved through their own beliefs, even if they are different from what Christ taught!

Gaudium et Spes – on theChurch in the Modern World – this document’s central argument is that man has changed and so the Church needs to serve global socialist world re-shaping. Dignity of man becomes the new focus, so that serving God cannot go against the dignity due to God’s creation (mankind). This denies absolute truth!

Lumen Gentium – on Who are the Christian Faithful – this document states that God “subsists” in the Catholic Church, which denies the full indwelling of the Holy Ghost within the Church which Jesus Christ Himself founded (via the Papacy, to the Priesthood and the Holy Sacraments). This document’s assertion directly contradicts our Creed, as given to us by Christ’s Apostles, who were taught directly by Jesus Christ!

Nostra Aetate –on Non-Christian Religions – this document teaches the error that Jews and Catholics worship the same God, which is sadly not true since the Jews deny the Divinity of Jesus Christ as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity and they thus also reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah (Saviour).

Dignitatis Humanae – on  Religious Libertythis document gives legitimacy (“value”) to false religions. This is immoral because it denies the Dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church! Where there is a lie, there is never true charity!

Sacrosanctum Concilium – on the Sacred Liturgy – since man has “changed” (not really, you now, as we are still vulnerable to the same sins) this document pushes for changes to the prayers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – and even Jesus Christ’s words at the consecration of the bread and wine at the Last Supper are changed – under the pretext that non-Catholics would find this easier to follow. This change of Jesus Christ’s words actually nullifies this sacrament!

It is therefore no surprise that the Blessed Virgin Mary tells Marie-Juie that “[w]ithin a very short time you will see signatures against anything which is the most holy, the most inviolable.”

Once the Papacy, and thus the Church, fell to freemasonry’s takeover, dioceses around the world crumbled in their apostolic authority, and freemasonic governments took over, changing laws to suit their ungodly purposes.

Yes, Satan has been unleashed!

Think of the money being made from the murder of the babies being ripped from their mothers’ wombs… think of the horrific suffering of children and youth being trafficked for satanic purposes!

But God, in His Mercy, will put an end to the evil laws and “signatures”. He will “speak out” through the angry “uprising of nations” in order to convert those who will, in their suffering, turn to Him:

“Well then! My children, those signatures are the ones which are going to force my Son to speak out. Men will be agitated by the uprising of nations…”

And lastly, the Blessed Virgin Mary speaks about different groups vying for power in France – in our time these tend to be global-scaled events which we usually see happen in most (if not all) other countries:

“The four corners of France are going to knock against each other, just like the waves stumble against each other in the sea.”

This analogy to sea waves is specific and thus worth considering further.

Waves always move to take the place of the waves in front of them. A wave can be as destructive as the one before it, and sometimes unexpectedly more so.

This destructive action of sea waves can be compared to revolutionary waves of instability that further destroy as they replace governing usurpers and any existing laws.

But can the voice of the people exert an influence on these usurpers?

Yes, and we can see this with the analogy of sea waves…

For instance, in winds of hurricane force, sea waves will change their actual direction!

As people of Faith, we can exert this force through daily prayer – especially by praying the Holy Rosary – as well as actively raising awareness and taking part in civic matters, with the goal to bring our societies closer to repentance and conversion.

In fact, we may have more time than previously realized to endure (or to speak out against) the unjust sufferings being imposed by the diabolical elites currently in power… Those who study Saint John’s Book of the Apocalypse believe that we are living at the end of the fifth age of the Church, a time of persecution of the Roman Catholic Church, and that the sixth age will be that of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to be followed by the seventh age, the time of the Antichrist’s persecution.

It will be magnificent to witness the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which will bring us peace and sanctifying graces once again through the Papal Restoration!

All thanks be to God!

Holy Mother of God and our Mother, may Thy purity pull us and our loved ones ever closer to Thee!    

LINKS:  Pope Gregory XVII   The Great Crisis   3 Crises in France   The See of the Cross   The Few Faithful   St. Michael Prayer  3 Days Darkness   After the 3 Days   Diseases   Remedies   THE HOLY GHOST   LA SALETTE   More St. Michael

   [Canon 1825]  If anyone then says that it is not from the institution of Christ the Lord Himself, or by divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in the same primacy, let him be anathema.

Latest comments

04.11 | 21:09

I can only buy Hawthorn with both leaves and flowers. Does that matter?

19.10 | 04:46

Please, may I know how I can have a blessed candle. Hoping for your reply.

09.10 | 19:15

I ask for prayers for my children to return to the practice of their Catholic faith.

06.07 | 14:41

I am looking for little Gospels of His Holy Name. Do you have them?

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